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Results for "keyword: "leadership""
Picking Up the Pieces How to lead like Moses.
Soul Force A call to the embodied practice of Christlike love.
Lead Yourself First Advice on what leaders can focus on in periods of solitude.
Interfaith Leadership The founder of Interfaith Youth Core on the identity, mission, vision, and key skills of an interfaith leader.
Reflections of Amma Amanda J. Lucia on Amma's focused attempt to rectify gender imbalances.
Choose Wisely A primer on decision-making and the use of five core principles from the world's religions.
The Soul of Leadership Deepak Chopra on being generous in giving rather than in taking.
The Soul of Leadership A presentation of the essentials of visionary leadership.
A Generous Presence An impressive overview of the art of coaching-its philosophy, tools, and interpersonal dynamics.
Overcoming Life's Disappointments Edifying religious counsel on resilience and overcoming life's difficulties and setbacks.